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Selling fitness equipment with quoting software: a weight is lifted!

If you think selling fitness equipment is easy, you may be a dumbbell. It’s a hyper-competitive space, and it ain’t just gyms: hotels, hospitals, community centers, wellness retreats, physical therapy clinics, sports team club houses… behind the doors of every major facility, you’re sure to find ellipticals, rowers, weight benches, medicine balls, and more.

The (plain? ugly?) truth of the matter is that many – but certainly not all – of the people managing these facilities don’t know or care too much about what brands or kinds of stuff they have in there, which makes fitness equipment practically into a commodity. And when you’re selling commodities, the early bird almost always gets the worm.

Which is where quoting software makes all the difference for salespeople in this dog-eat-dog (or, as stated, bird-eat-worm) space. Getting a slick looking, accurate, on-brand quote into a prospect’s hands quickly is the cornerstone of closing a sale–whether it’s a pallet of Pelotons or a truckload of treadmills or even just a box of barbells.

For fitness equipment sales pros, there’s no better way to build a compelling quote quickly than with iQuoteXpress (IQX), the sales quoting software that makes creating custom proposals as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Select and customize a template

  2. Drop in products and pricing

  3. Send, track, close

Professionally designed sales quote templates

It all starts here. With a professionally designed sales proposal template, the work is half done. Your template can and should include elements of your branding that will resonate with your prospect.

Better still, it should include a way for you to easily drag/drop elements of your prospect’s branding. There’s nothing people like better than their own reflection.

IQX includes many templates ready to roll right out of the box. But if you really want to make a lasting impression, make a small spend on a graphic designer and create quote templates that are unique to your line of business. This is a minor investment that goes a long way.

Product and pricing configurations

In terms of quoting software, “configurations” is often just a more fancy way of saying bundles–how you put products and pricing together for a given market or specific customer. And in the fitness equipment space, the ways you can configure your deliverables are endless as there are literally thousands of components.

With IQX’s drag and drop product and pricing configuration tool, however, you can quickly add the right products for the right customer at the right price. More importantly, from an administrative angle, you can ensure that salespeople are accessing the products you want to move most.

By moving your product and pricing lists from, say, a spreadsheet (which likely differs from rep to rep) into a centralized engine, you have more complete control over your inventory, pricing, and even your discount structures. And you create a more even playing field for every rep in your organization.

And… they’re off! Sending, tracking, closing quotes.

Interesting fact: in the time it has taken you to read this blog, you could have built a proposal in IQX. We have more than a few clients in the fitness equipment space, and they pump out an average of 5,000 quotes a month. That means speed.

You can send quotes right out of IQX (or Outlook or Gmail or ______–whatever system you prefer) and, unlike with a standard CRM system that tracks “sent” and “won/lost,” our quoting software enables you track a sales proposal at every critical step along the way, empowering you to improve your overall sales process. Knowing what closed/what didn’t, and when and why and who was involved? Crucial details for improving your process.

In fitness equipment sales, only the strong survive. And the strong only get stronger using IQX.