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The meaning of CPQ in fitness equipment sales

If you have landed on this page, you’re likely in fitness equipment sales, considering using CPQ (a.k.a.: configure, price, quote solution; quote to cash app; sales proposal automation tool), and seeing what it may mean for your business.

You likely saw this post title and went, “Wow. That’s exactly what I’m trying to find out.”

The reason this article exists, and on this website, is simple: iQuoteXpress (IQX) is the choice for some of the major players in the fitness equipment sales and manufacturing space. (Your competitors are likely using IQX to get their quotes to customers faster, and to make those quotes more compelling for those customers, too.) 

IQX knows the market and we have the perfect solution to help sales reps in the market close more business more quickly. So contact us for a demo. Or read on and discover some similarities between our solution and fitness equipment sales.

A sales quote can be like a fitness center…

Whether in a gym as big as a warehouse or in a converted meeting room in an office building or in a healthcare facility, a fitness center must be configured.

Yes, there’s often a templated approach — the treadmills are together, the free weights are in a dedicated space with a padded floor, etc. — but configuration is always required based on the shape and size of the space, the needs of the customers, and more.

Same with a sales quote. Using CPQ, you can also take a templated approach, first by building sales proposal templates based on the products you sell and industries you serve.

Then, with these templates, you can then quickly configure quotes for each specific customer, dragging and dropping product and pricing configurations (also pre-designed and uploaded into your CPQ solution), thereby creating a custom quote through a templated approach.

Tracking product life cycles and sales cycles…

In fitness equipment sales, it’s never “one and done.” Equipment gets old, breaks down, or is simply considered outdated by its users. Most sales reps in the space keep careful track of product life cycles and know exactly when to reach out to existing customers to see what may need upgrading or replacing.

With CPQ, tracking is naturally a little different but no less critical. Unlike most standard CRM systems — which typically only track whether or not a quote was sent and if it was signed — CPQ tracks the “minute metrics,” the minor adjustments to a sent quote, the communications that help nudge it across the finish line, empowering sales reps to better understand and act within the most critical part of the sales cycle.

Simply put, tracking data — be it of fitness equipment use, sales quote progress, or most any other product or service that can be sold or processed — is knowledge, and knowledge is power. (In the cases detailed above, that would be the power to drive more revenue.)

Faster, better, stronger

Isn’t that what fitness equipment itself is all about? You’re providing the systems and services that help make your customers’ customers faster, stronger, fitter, better.

And the same way the products you put in place deliver those benefits to the ultimate end-users is the same way CPQ benefits you. In the end, the meaning of CPQ for fitness equipment sales professionals is that it helps you develop more professional, more custom sales proposals more quickly. You’ll be able to beat the competition to the punch and create a greater impact on every customer.